About Dr Anand Senthi

MBBS, MAppFin, GradCertPubHealth, FRACGP, FACEM

Dr Anand Senthi is a dual trained Specialist Emergency Physician and General Practitioner, working as a Consultant in both Emergency Medicine and Virtual Care in Western Australia. He has a diversity of interests and backgrounds including a period in finance, holding a Masters of Applied Finance, training in Epidemiology and Biostatistics as well as further training and production of a seminal peer-reviewed publication in the medico-legal field.

Anand’s main passion is education where he is extensively involved in the medical education of all levels of practitioner in Emergency Medicine and General Practice in both city and regional environments and holds an appointment as a Clinical Senior Lecturer at the University of Western Australia.  

Anand founded the website EDguidelines.com to provide free and easy access for doctors working in acute care environments (e.g GP and ED) to quality guidelines and resources.

Additionally, Anand maintains a special interest in Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) with a deep enthusiasm for ensuring clinical care and guidelines are guided by the proper interpretation of high quality evidence.  After becoming aware of the intractable flaws in the way EBM was being practiced in modern medicine, he started the EBM 2.0 project aimed at fundamentally changing the way clinicians approach and interpret EBM in order to prevent evidence based deception and to maximise outcomes for patients.
